Home > In the News, Political > An unexpected, and sad, day in politics

An unexpected, and sad, day in politics

It’s not often that when news comes across my desk regarding the world of politics that I am surprised or even interested. This article in the political blogs of the New York Times, however, has me arching my eyebrow.

It appears that Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Michigan) will be stepping down from his post when his term is over at the end of this year, conceding the seat to whoever it is that manages to get enough votes out of the inexperienced and unimpressive candidates who are running as his opponents.

Rep. Bart Stupak is expected to announce today his retirement, effective at the end of this term.

Stupak is being asked to reconsider, no doubt right up until the time he officially announces it later today.

I honestly think this is a shame and, in my opinion, a shame on the American people as a whole who have stepped forward and called for his head. Anyone in Stupak’s district who had intended to not vote for him based on the ObamaCare situation (which I, personally, am not a fan of) is in need of a history lesson. This man has done more for our area than any of us could have hoped for. One mistake isn’t enough to crucify someone. A look back at the timeline of humanity will indicate that.

I hope Stupak made this decision based on being with his wife and his family instead of working countless hours for thankless people. He deserves retirement, but that doesn’t make his choice any less saddening, especially in light of the potential reasons for his decision.

It can only be hoped that he doesn’t leave hearing the echoes of idiots yelling “Baby killer!” at him instead of applauding the steps he always took for his constituents and the country.

In the end, nothing I can say here on this blog would change the mind of someone like Stupak, but I think time will prove that whoever replaces him will be sitting down in a chair that their britches just can’t fill. We’re closing a chapter on great Upper Peninsula politics and those who cannot recognize it as that should have their political eyes checked.

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